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About me

Who we are:

Haven is a media and non-profit network that seeks to support and advocate for refugees and displaced people in the media, and shed light on their issues by publishing news, reports and humanitarian stories and documenting children who are exposed to them in more than one place.


The network also aims to raise awareness of refugees and displaced people by holding educational seminars and workshops in reality and via the Internet, according to the available capabilities, and introducing the dangers of smuggling and illegal travel across the sea and its serious consequences, some of which end in death.



Haven Network seeks to support and advocate for Yemeni refugees and displaced people first, and the rest of the refugees and displaced from all over the world in the media, and to convey their suffering and issues to public opinion and decision-makers in order to obtain their rights guaranteed in international conventions and asylum laws, especially the constitution of the International Refugee Organization signed in Flushing Meadow, New York , of December 15, 1946, the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees signed at Geneva on July 28, 1951, and the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees liberated in New York on January 31, 1967.



Haven seeks to create awareness among refugees and displaced people, and to publicize their rights stipulated in international agreements and their own laws, and the duties that they have towards inside the camps and in the countries that opened their doors to them and accepted them as refugees.



-Advocacy and media support for refugees and displaced people.

- Defending the rights of refugees and displaced people stipulated in all international laws, conventions and protocols.

- Awareness of refugees and displaced people with the laws and regulations of the countries that receive refugees to live in, and the definition of their rights and what their duties are in these countries and within the camps to which they have been displaced.

- Developing the capacities of refugees and displaced people in several fields, especially in craft professions.

- Explain and define the laws and regulations of countries that have opened their doors to host refugees and in internal displacement camps.

- Conducting field studies from the ground to identify the most important problems of the refugee and displaced segment and their needs.


The method of work :

 We work online and in reality in a professional and impartial manner, away from any dictates or political affiliations that may affect the work of the network.

Working within the framework of the rules of asylum and mass displacement that are recognized among all countries of the world and within the framework of the constitution of the International Refugee Organization.

Documenting and publishing the humanitarian stories of refugees and displaced people and highlighting their various issues with the aim of delivering them to the relevant international bodies.